Workshops & Webinars.


Training for groups and individuals to help you increase your confidence at work. 

From High Potential to Becoming an Impactful Leader.

Too often we watch high potential finance employees crumble when they are put into leadership roles. Excellent at our roles and the obvious next step but as employees do we really prepare for this transition into leadership?

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Busting Burnout and Managing Stress: Action Steps.

In our continually changing world, we are facing the impacts of burnout more than ever before. During this webinar we'll explore some of the most effective tools to reduce burnout and the steps employees can take to counter burnout.

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Your Trainer: Sharon O'Hagan

  • Personalized feedback and support as you grow self-belief, confidence and learn best practices to develop into an impactful leader and business partner.

  • Teaching you the practical things you can to do daily at work to develop great leadership skills.

  • Someone to hold you accountable and guide you to believe in yourself so that you can make an even bigger impact.

The biggest things that stop us progressing and chasing our dreams are confidence and a lack of self-belief. By overcoming this we can achieve fulfilment and make the impact that we’ve always wanted to. 

Client Feedback:

"In the past year, I have required mentoring and coaching from Sharon on the financial aspects of the company as I progress in my career. Her attention to detail while using real-world examples has led me to gain a much clearer understanding of all that is involved. Sharon actively listens to questions asked to gain an understanding of the root cause and I find her answers always to the point and informative, while delivered in a way that shows real value is given to the decisions that will be made. I find Sharon an excellent coach and mentor."

- Leon K, Head of Sales Development, Global Distribution Company